40 years of maintenance know-how
With the takeover of the IAS Group, which specialized in maintenance, as part of an asset deal in 2013, IAS MEXIS GmbH has set itself the task of transporting the unique know-how of this group into the 21st century. Our mission is to provide all operators of plant and machinery, regardless of size and industry, with digital maintenance solutions that deliver exactly what you expect and require from a CMMS. Together, we would like to raise sunken treasures in order to generate sustainable value for you!
An internationally positioned team lives the credo “Anything is possible” in an extraordinary office building every day. Following this motto, we stand for flexibility, dynamics and efficiency. Challenge us – we look forward to meeting you!

Visit our office on the Rhein.
Since 2013 our company is located in the former shipyard hall directly between the Rhein and the city center of Ludwigshafen.