DIVA™ DYNAMICS – maintenance software and spare part management
DIVA™ DYNAMICS has been the expert system for intelligent maintenance for over 40 years: highest possible plant availability and higher productivity at lower costs.
The Core of the DIVA™ Ecosystem
The maintenance expert system for availability-controlled maintenance
The maintenance software DIVA™ DYNAMICS has been developed by experts for experts and is based on over 40 years of lived fundamental research. It delivers precise predictions through an algorithm-based interval control, is intuitive user friendly, has a lifelong learning capability, is designed modular, interface-capable and available in several languages.
The Core of the DIVA™ Ecosystem
The maintenance expert system for availability-controlled maintenance
The maintenance software DIVA™ DYNAMICS has been developed by experts for experts and is based on over 40 years of lived fundamental research. It delivers precise predictions through an algorithm-based interval control, is intuitive user friendly, has a lifelong learning capability, is designed modular, interface-capable and available in several languages.
Automated generation of all planned maintenance activities
The creation of inspection and maintenance plans is carried out completely autonomously by our maintenance software. The clou is that all parameters influencing the wear margin (operating times, environmental and stress parameters, component properties) are considered. Field-tested and success proven.
Proaktive Optimierung von Inspektions- und Wartungszyklen durch Künstliche Intelligenz
Auf der Grundlage der zurückgemeldeten Daten optimieren lebenslang lernende Algorithmen diese praxiserprobten Ausgangs-Inspektions- und Wartungszyklen proaktiv im Hintergrund auf Ihre betriebsspezifischen Gegebenheiten. Für Sie als Maschinenbetreiber heißt das: Genau die richtige Instandhaltungsintensität in Abhängigkeit der gewählten Strategie und geforderten Anlagenverfügbarkeit.
Audit- und Rechtssicherheit
Wir alle kennen die Macht von Auditoren und staatlichen Kontrollgremien. Mit unserem DIVA® Ecosystem erlangen Sie völlige Transparenz über alle Vorgänge und Prozesse per Mausklick. Erlangen auch Sie maximale Sicherheit für Ihr Unternehmen!
Identifikation und Eliminierung von Schwachstellen
Identifizieren Sie mit ein paar Mausklicks Schwachstellen und eliminieren Sie diese mit geeigneten Maßnahmen. Kunden konnten mit unseren Analysetools mehrere Hundert Stunden Produktionsausfallzeit und unnötige Lagerbestände um bis zu 70 % innerhalb eines Jahres reduzieren.
Höchstmögliche Bedienerfreundlichkeit
Jedes System ist immer nur so gut wie seine Anwender. Wenn eine Instandhaltungssoftware trotz massiver Schulungen so bedienerunfreundlich ist, dass Sie boykottiert wird, führt das schnell zu versunkenen Kosten.
Erfahren Sie, wie intuitiv bedienbare Nutzeroberflächen zu hoher Akzeptanz, maximaler Betriebssicherheit und zu steigender Datenqualität führen.
Intelligent personnel deployment with the Personnel-Deployment-Planning (PDP) module – optimal planning and reduced downtimes
Intelligent suggestion system for personnel deployment according to the importance of the machine and the qualification/skill level of the employee
Downtimes caused by unplanned failures should be kept as low as possible. The use of our intelligent Personnel-Deployment-Planning module will make this mission possible.
- All fault messages, tasks and available employees in one dashboard
- Overview of skill levels and qualifications of all available employees
- Assign work tasks simply by “drag & drop”
Available capacities of employees are displayed with a traffic light system
Spare parts management with the EVA module – fewer spare parts, lower costs
An intelligent maintenance strategy with our DIVA™ software solutions reduces your costs in many ways: Fewer repairs, increased productivity, only as many inspections as necessary – at the end of the logical chain, there is also the elimination of unnecessarily stored spare parts, which cause additional costs day by day.
Our EVA module provides recommendations for your spare part management based on our system intelligence: Reduce spare part stocks to the site-specific requirements! Our DIVA™ maintenance software assists you in optimizing all areas to an availability oriented, necessary level.
Did you know that DIVA™ DYNAMICS is able to reduce repair costs by 50 % within the first year and double the technical plant availability?
Source: Use Cases from IAS MEXIS customers

Modular Design
You determine type and scope of use of our maintenance software yourself. No matter whether you are switching from your Excel solutions to the basic system or aim for an Industry 4.0 solution as part of your corporate development – we will be happy to advise you on how you can use DIVA™ DYNAMICS in the most efficient way.
- Modular design
- Modules and features can be added at any time
- Maximum configurability

Profit from the unique DIVA™ – Principle
You do not exactly know how components of your assets and machines behave under various operating conditions? We do! Benefit from the very first second on from over 40 years of research in the field of component behavior and define your parameters.
- Maintenance strategy
- Individual operating hours
- Individual environmental parameters

All important information at a glance
The Reporting module provides a standard set of the most important evaluations and KPIs. Special customer requirements can be implemented without any problems.
- Top 10 – Lists
- Development of inspection intervals
- Holistic Plant Reports

Identification and elimination of weak points
Generate 3n analyses using the module weak point analysis. Locate your weak points via FTA (fault tree analysis) and FMEA (failure mode effect analysis) with just a few mouse clicks and initiate suitable measures.
- Quick wins
- Inter-divisional usage
- Personal and public analyses

Are you safe during audits?
Internal, external and legal audits can be managed within our central maintenance system – audit and legally certain. How does that sound to you?
- Monitoring with reminder by e-mail
- Measure tracking system
- Maximum configurability
The way we work:
After determining the maintenance strategies according to the criticality of individual production areas, we assist you structuring the digital twin of your production facilities in accordance with DIN 31 051. Benefit from specially developed train-the-trainer workshops, which enables key-users to train other in-house-users on the system.